

This category contains 3 posts

Berkaca Dari Gertakan Australia

Dua pekan terakhir, Kementerian Pertanian direpotkan laporan Animal Australian soal standar animal walfare Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) di Indonesia. Apalagi laporan yang ditayangkan ABC TV itu diikuti ancaman ala gertak sambal menghentikan ekspor sapi bakalan ke Indonesia. Kalaupun kemudian ancaman Australia melembek, itu karena asosiasi produsen hewan sapi di Australia mendesak Perdana Menteri Julia Gillard … Baca lebih lanjut

Rank Doing Business Probably Increase?

Indonesia has to much improve doing business in East Asia this year. Because Indonesia still in 155 levels compare to Vietnam in 100 position in rank doing business in the world. As new emerging market in Asia, to get high position will help to growth economic domestic in the future.

Small medium enterprises at risk?

Small medium enterprises is an economic strategy in Indonesia today. The number of these enterprises sector is about 54.2 million. This means that 99 percent of all enterprises in Indonesia are small medium. Besides this, the sector can absorb more labor and minimise unemployment. Raden |Iskandar, president of association small medium enterprises in Indonesia (Forum … Baca lebih lanjut
