

lutherkembaren has written 9 posts for jalancerita

Putting an end to intolerance in Indonesia

The beginning of 2010 saw much violence directed towards Indonesia’s religious minorities. On 3 January, a group called the People Communication Forum burnt down the Filadelfia Church, a house of worship for the Protestant Batak Christians in Bekasi, West Java. In a separate instance, extremist groups, such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and the … Baca lebih lanjut

Berkaca Dari Gertakan Australia

Dua pekan terakhir, Kementerian Pertanian direpotkan laporan Animal Australian soal standar animal walfare Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) di Indonesia. Apalagi laporan yang ditayangkan ABC TV itu diikuti ancaman ala gertak sambal menghentikan ekspor sapi bakalan ke Indonesia. Kalaupun kemudian ancaman Australia melembek, itu karena asosiasi produsen hewan sapi di Australia mendesak Perdana Menteri Julia Gillard … Baca lebih lanjut

Queen Victoria Market

Queen Victoria Market berdiri sejak 1878. Tahun ini, pasar tradisional di Kota Melbourne ini berusia 133 tahun. Pasar ini disebut tradisional bukan saja karena sudah hadir melewati bilangan generasi, tapi komoditas sayur-mayur yang dijual dipajang terbuka di stall. Persis pasar sayur-mayur di Pasar Manggarai, Jakarta Selatan. Pasar tradisional Queen Victoria bersih. Barang yang diperdagangkan diatur … Baca lebih lanjut

Rank Doing Business Probably Increase?

Indonesia has to much improve doing business in East Asia this year. Because Indonesia still in 155 levels compare to Vietnam in 100 position in rank doing business in the world. As new emerging market in Asia, to get high position will help to growth economic domestic in the future.

Why Blog?

What is the most effective way to share information with people now? Is it the publication of newspaper. Ehm.., well it does not matter which form of medium we use. But in convergence media from paper to digital media, newspaper is limited to share information to world. Right now the era for digital media like … Baca lebih lanjut

Where I went and met my second day in Geelong?

Ford Factory in Geelong. This was the place where I went at 10.00 am. Tony Abott, the opposition party leader came to the Ford factory. This was part his political agenda to gain sympathy from the Australian public. Setyo Budi, Alfonsa and I companied Cameron Best, senior reporter of GeelongAdvertiser, to the media conference. Alison, … Baca lebih lanjut

What is it like to be attached to the oldest newspaper in Victoria?

Did you know that Geelong Advertiser is the oldest newspaper in Victoria? It was established in 1840. The first edition was printed on 21 November 1840. The founder of Geelong Advertiser is John Pascoe Fawkner http://www.geelongsdvertiser.com.au. Alfonsa and I (both are Indonesian journalists) had a chance to visit newspaper as part our fellowship’s assignment from … Baca lebih lanjut

Small medium enterprises at risk?

Small medium enterprises is an economic strategy in Indonesia today. The number of these enterprises sector is about 54.2 million. This means that 99 percent of all enterprises in Indonesia are small medium. Besides this, the sector can absorb more labor and minimise unemployment. Raden |Iskandar, president of association small medium enterprises in Indonesia (Forum … Baca lebih lanjut

How journalist Indonesia challenge now?

Social journalism in Indonesia have been popular since a couple of years ago. Some journalist have their personal blog to post their opinion just about anything to issues in Indonesia. For example Luther Kembaren. He is journalist cum blogger. The blog was created in 2009 when he was cadet reporter in Jurnal Nasional in Jakarta, … Baca lebih lanjut
